E-Geo Library
Key Facts
E-Geo-Library for Mekelle university in Ethiopia
The project is partly funded by the Czech AID/UNDP and partly co-financed by the implementers, which are Ircon, Yungo, Digitální strážce and the University of Mekelle. The project beneficiary is Mekelle University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences.
Due to the recent war, the university is suffering from disconnection of the scientific community as well as being limited to exchange information or provide relevant data to its students, public/private sector. Creating E-Geo-Library aims to gather all relevant information regarding the water sector and keep it under one system in digital form available for all stakeholders. This will result in the development of new knowledge, improvement in communication and providing available data.
The objective of this project is to create E-Geo-Library as a new IT platform to be implemented by Mekelle University for centralized data storage, facilitating collaboration in data sharing and providing a user-friendly environment for searching among data based on keywords, abstracts, authors, as well as geospatial information.
The architecture of the system has been designed, resulting into three components – Document management system (DMS) for data sharing, Map/Data viewer for data access via map and Synchronization & spatial management tool keeping the DMS aligned with the map viewer.
The whole system will be hosted on the MU server accessible via MU websites from where it will encourage MU staff, students, and partners to explore and further collaborate in the use, collection and sharing of data.

Yungo's role in this project is not only to develop and implement the information system, the main objective of the project is to support the local partner, especially through sharing GIS and IT knowledge and opening a new channel, but also the mindset of local staff to collaborate in a modern and efficient way. Therefore, the project also includes several workshops and trainings that are organized directly at the university.

A demo version of the application is accessible at the following link:
If you are interested in more details, please contact us. We offer the development of a similar platform and web applications directly for you, according to your data and your needs.