Energy Networks
Yungo offers Electrical Distribution Network planning (Low and Mid Voltage) and several other services in the energy sector, driven by the growing demand for network expansion and by the energy sector’s transition to
renewable energy.

Ever since the Industrial Revolution the world has been consuming energy from fossil fuels at an ever growing rate. Due to this increasing demand, but also due to recent shift towards green energy production, the existing networks are entering a phase of transformation. Existing networks can no longer cope with the demands in households, businesses, and industrial sites and require extensive upgrades. There are new demands in sectors such as mobility too. Yungo is here to help you plan these upgrades and help you satisfy all these demands while complying with the newest regulations in regard to renewable energy production.

Given the diverse expertise of our engineers in GIS, civil engineering, architecture, environmental engineering and other relevant fields, we can help you with planning the expansion of your Electrical Distribution Network, District Heating, or with planning the optimal locations for your EV-Charging Stations.
Electrical Distribution Network Planning
Yungo can help you with planning the upgrades of your existing Electrical Distribution Network (EDN), connecting additional demand points, or even help you with planning a whole new network. We specialize in mid- to low-voltage energy network layers. Yungo will help you with analyzing requests for new connections and increased amperage, as well as with finding optimal paths for additional cables to connect new customers to the network.
Customer Connection Planning
We will help you with planning the connection of new customers including residential, commercial, and industrial consumers on your network. Here we will consider the existing network infrastructure, gather a list of existing and potential future demand points, and plan optimal routes for conductors to be laid underground and/or overground, depending on your network’s architecture and priorities, such as durability, price of construction and/or many other factors depending on your business strategy.
Voltage Drop Calculations
Voltage drop calculations are an essential aspect of EDN network planning. They ensure that the voltage levels at the end user’s connection points remain within acceptable limits. Yungo will help you with this aspect of your network’s expansion and take the findings into account in further network design steps.
Optimal Path Finding
Finding cost-effective ways to lay new cables in the ground, or on masts and poles, while respecting your network’s topology, existing third-party infrastructure, local regulations, and other factors is essential in controlling your budget and assuring a healthy ROI for your network’s expansion. Yungo’s engineers have backgrounds in various disciplines such as GIS, civil engineering, urban planning, environmental management and other relevant fields. That, in combination with years of experience with planning civil works for various different networks across Europe and the USA, makes us the ideal partner for your network’s expansion.
The vast majority of Electrical Distribution Networks’ assets have been built a long time ago when CAD software either didn’t exist at all, or it was relatively simple. Most EDN networks’ assets in Europe, such as electrical substations and other facilities and equipment are therefore insufficiently documented. This makes maintenance and optimization of them difficult. Yungo uses state-of-the-art equipment and software to scan these assets with laser technology into point-data-clouds to recreate them in highly detailed 3D digital models and enrich them with additional meta information about the used materials, the age of individual parts, energy consumption and many more to enable Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to optimize their networks and plan their extension.
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Other Energy Network Services
Apart from our focus on Electrical Distribution Network planning and documentation, we are able to provide planning services related to other energy networks in the following categories. Do not hesitate to ask us about the specific services we can provide.

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Why choose us ?
Highest Level of Accuracy
By implementing our automation solutions, we drastically reduce the need for manual tasks in creating the final outputs. This not only ensures greater accuracy but also enhances the overall quality of all deliverables, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – moving the project forward.
Fast Delivery
Our team comprises 90+ Engineers, enabling us to handle larger projects with ease. We deliver fast and efficient solutions for any project we undertake. We are capable of processing large amount of inputs.
Our engineers and project leaders have diverse educational backgrounds ranging from telecom, civil and environmental engineering, to architecture and GIS specialists, all the way to IT and machine learning experts. Thanks to this, our team is capable of solving even the most challenging tasks.
Cost-Effective Solutions
From Market Analysis, through High- and Low-Level Design, all the way to Network As-Built Documentation and Maintenance, we strive to deliver innovative solutions while keeping an eye on cost efficiencies regarding your CAPEX and OPEX.